How to Balance Privacy and Natural Light in Your Home

Every home needs to strike a balance between privacy and light. On one hand, you need enough light to make your home feel welcoming. You need to be able to see your furniture, artworks and ornaments, and having adequate natural light is a great help for readers and computer users. Then again, too much sunlight creates glare which can interfere with computer screens and TVs, while few people enjoy exposing their rooms completely to the outside world—so some form of barrier is needed.

Create A Contrast With the Paint Scheme You Choose

The way you paint your rooms has a direct influence on how bright they seem. For example, if you paint the ceiling a slightly darker tone and leave the walls white, the whole room will seem brighter as a result of the contrast created.

However, this doesn't work the other way round. Dark walls and light ceilings create a constricting "corridor" effect that will make any room seem darker. Very dark ceilings have the same effect, so stick to bright, light tones with an understated contrast.

Add Reflective Elements to Darker Rooms

If you choose to dim your natural light by curtains or blinds, you can amplify the light that does enter your rooms by using reflective surfaces. Mirrors or glass hangings work well. One neat trick is to hang mirrors directly opposite each other. This creates the impression of greater depth in the room, and the larger your mind thinks a room is, the brighter it will seem.

Exchange Dark Heavy Curtains for Drapes

If you have heavy curtains, they are probably great for shielding your family from the outside world, but not so handy for letting in natural light. If this is the case, think about exchanging your heavy curtains for lace drapes. You can still enhance your privacy, while allowing plenty of light to enter.

However, drapes aren't always the right option. Drape curtains are elegant and delicate, but these qualities might make them unsuitable for many families. They are relatively expensive and easy for kids to tear, while they gather dust easily and need to be carefully washed to maintain their appearance. Hanging them can be a chore as well.

Choose Roller Blinds for Their Flexibility

Given these drawbacks, families may find that adjustable indoor blinds are a much more sensitive solution. Roller blinds are the simplest variety of blinds to operate and can be easily raised or lowered to the ideal level. They come in different colour schemes and patterns to suit your interior design and can be wiped clean to remove any dust that accumulates on their surface. They also tend to be very resilient, featuring tear-resistant fabrics that kids will struggle to damage, so they are an ideal choice for families.
